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It's not always all about me, but this section is

Some Random Facts For Ya'

1. I dance constantly, in the studio, down the aisles of the grocery store, or just tap dancing away from haters.

2. I am never bored. The last time I was bored was the summer of 2004 when I willingly signed up to go to Orchestra camp. I love hot cross buns as much as the next guy, but that summer had me snoozing...
3. I consume a lot of media. When I get ready in the morning I watch my favorite YouTubers, when I commute I listen to podcasts or stand-up comedy, and in the evenings I watch one of my favorite shows and TikToks.
4. I’m extremely competitive, yet only average at party games and sports.
5. Yeah, the rumors are true, I still play Candy Crush.
6. I like the Oxford comma—there I said it.
7. I put peanut butter on my pancakes. You're welcome. 

8. Once I dared to leave my house in a fuzzy pair of slippers, and Kris Kristofferson complimented them. 


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